Ok, this is Ms. Sarah...or Catherine...or Kat-Sarah ...or...yeah what ever...anyway, she is a 18 year old girl that I think is one of the most popular girl in friendster...she has a total of 1,500 frienster in her three accounts (friendster has a maximum of 500 names per accounts)...
Now the reason why I feature her and friendster is that I am very much amazed in how this "friendster" things was taken out of context... ok, I think the idea is to meet other people, people with the same preference in regards with music, books, habits, or even reasoning:)
But because it was intensely being hyped by the youth's and even the yuppies, you end up making an account and inviting total strangers to be among those friendsters of yours so that you wont be left out...hmm
I mean come on... I think it would have been better if this friendster things feature a more interactive feature, but no...yet...people of all ages are rushing to have an account, just because it is one of the talk of the town...
Not that i am complaining...(do I seem to be complaining?)
I was starring at Dao Ming of F4's billboard, located at Balintawak Clover Leaf, No!... I am not admiring him, I just wanted to know what soo special about this guy, that more than half of the population have gone gaga over him, he looks like any blue blood Taiwanese that I know that can't even say the word "Circle" properly. I have a classmate back in highschool that really looks like him, which we usually call "Koreano" or "Hapon" due to their very distinct resemblance to the people of Korea or Japan...(But actually, we Filipinos have a habit of calling anyone with chinky eyes, broad jaw and light skin Hapon or Koreano.)
Anyway, my point is, my classmate, looks like Dao...but it never occur at that time that women are going gaga over him, and yeah, he even acted like him back in those days...(tough guy...but nah, he wasn’t filthy rich). Now, because ABS-CBN sensationalize the "Faggot Four", everyone is saying how handsome Dao is...they even go on buying every freaking records those Taiwanese ever made even thou I really don't think they could understand it...(the good side is, maybe they could learn it and use the knowledge to go to Taiwan...) And now "Bench" a leading men’s garment company is bagging on his “tough boy” image to endorse their product... and because we are that gullible, people will go on buying "Dao shall wear Bench" T-shirts because it was being endorse by the most sensationalize Asian celebrity. Well I have nothing against the F4, (other than I really think they are a bunch of Fags), but I was thinking, when will there be a time that Koreans or Japanese would be willing to pay 10 grand of their currencies just to watch two Pinoys sing in a stage?
Even thou I am aware that the Fag four fever is ending, and will be just consider one of them Hype... I wonder, when will we learn to realize it even before we go on buying something just to be in, or watching something, just not to be left out even thou it is worst than our own locally made. (Movie/ song or stories).
Fashion or no fashion, the things that are considered "in" nowadays, cost a fortune, but after a year or so, they amount to nothing because they are no longer the current fad, and I could not understand how people will go on spending their money, most of the time, their parents hard earned, so that they could buy the "latest"... it is sad to think that the only real winner in this kind of misleading are the capitalist... but hey, thank god to piracy... you could actually buy them in a more cheaper prize.
Now, whats the idea of my ranting... well I just wanted to point out why do most of us very accustomed to buy things not because they are of use to us but because our friends or most of our officemates have it, or your favorite celebrity is endorsing it. Or why do people go on watching this particular movie or tv program, just to be considered "updated on the current fad" and not because they really enjoy watching it because the cast are compose of really good actors. Well I guess, that how things are going to be in the longest time, people will only stop buying it/ looking for it only after they have enough of it...
(I was hoping to add " and the capitalist have enough" but i realize, that is something that will never going to happen...
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